Alpha's Ultimatum Read online

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  The burred edges of my vision turned into black spots as my gasps grew more desperate. I heard my brother and the woman working the desk, but I couldn’t process anything they were saying. Their words were muffled and unfocused. One voice broke through though.

  “It’s okay, Lily. Breathe in... breathe out. I’ve got you. Just breathe, Lily,” The deep timbre interrupted my panicked thoughts just like it used to. No one could get to me during these episodes--except Sam.

  After what felt like an eternity, my breathing regulated and my shaking subsided. I was sitting in a chair, in a waiting room located off the west side of the lobby. My body was curled into the side of a large man and my heart started to race as a familiar scent of sandalwood assaulted the nose I had buried into his chest. I leaned back as my palms began to sweat.

  I peeked up through my lashes before I ducked my head, hiding behind a curtain of lavender hair. This couldn’t be happening. I hadn’t seen Sam in three years, and this was how we bumped back into each other? The universe was a cruel mistress.

  I pulled out of the warmth of his arms as I sat up straight, “Thank you. I’m sorry. That was a little... Crazy.”

  “It’s okay, Lil. It’s understandable,” His kind smile was radiant as he looked down at me.

  I nodded, “Well thanks again. Do you know where my dad’s room is?”

  His tan hand reached out to grab a lock of my hair, tucking it behind my ear as his calloused palm gently grazed my face. His honey colored eyes stared into my green ones and I swear I forgot how to breathe for a moment. He was so beautiful.

  With bone-straight dark hair that was cropped short, a natural sun-kissed tan and eyes a brown so light they resembled honey, combined with the delicious five o’clock shadow that covered his chiseled jawline--Sam was stunning. He shot way passed the cute he had been in high school and went straight to total Adonis. His shoulders had widened since I last saw him and, even sitting, he looked taller.

  His muscled thigh pressed into mine as he leaned towards me and, for one insane second, I thought he was going to kiss me. Instead, he pressed his soft lips to my forehead, his hand still cupping my face before he stood.

  Sam reached out and grasped my hand, intertwining our fingers, as he pulled me up gently, “Yeah, come on. Your mom is already in there and Luca went back too.”

  I nodded, ashamed that the simple contact fortified my nerves, “Any news?”

  Sam squeezed my hand gently and he led me from the waiting room, “He’s stable. It’s going to be a long road to recovery but he’s okay for now. Just have to monitor him. They had to perform emergency open-heart surgery, but everything went well. The doctors are optimistic. The healing will be hard but he’s tough and stubborn--he’ll be okay.”

  I nodded but, while his physical presence comforted me, his words did nothing to assuage my worry. I felt like he was trying to convince himself just as much as he was trying to convince me, “Alright. Lead the way.”

  He squeezed my hand once more before releasing it, only to sling an arm around my shoulders. He pulled me into his side and walked me toward the elevator, pressing the up button.



  Sam reached out and knocked on my father’s door gently.

  “Come in,” my mother’s voice came out as a hoarse whisper.

  “Hey Bianca. It’s Liliana and I,” Sam said, almost in warning, as he opened the door.

  When we stepped in, I understood the warning. He was telling her to brace herself because I was going to lose my shit. Samuel Hernandez was irritatingly accurate when it came to my reaction to things--he always had been.

  The moment I laid eyes on my father’s prone form, wires and foreign tubing protruding from his body, I started bawling. I backed up into Sam’s chest and sobbed even while still trying to fight the damned tears back. My hand reached up to cover my mouth to muffle the sound as Sam gripped my shoulders in comfort. My mother had to stare at her husband on that bed and he was Luca’s dad too. It wasn’t right for me to cry like this in front of them.

  The guilt slammed into me as my errant tears continued to dominate. I felt a small, delicate hand stroke my arm as my mother’s voice met my ears, “It’s okay, my love. Cry. Luca and I have been doing it for hours. It’s your turn now.”

  It was like all I needed was her permission. The stifled sobs turned into gasping cries as I let all my worry and heartache out. I turned and hugged my mother, squeezing her tight. She rubbed my back, placing a kiss on my temple. We hugged for what felt like an eternity yet no time at all before my brother came over and hugged us. My mom stroked my back once more before breaking away from us to return to Dad’s bedside. Luca followed suit a moment after. As soon as they’d both released me, Sam hugged me. Even though we were no longer together, he comforted me in a way no one else could and, in that moment, I cherished having him there.

  Warmth seeped through his clothes, heating my clammy cheek as I pressed myself further into his chest as my tears subsided. His fingers caressed my hair a moment longer before he pulled away, “Go talk to your dad, Lily. It’s alright.” I nodded but didn’t move for a moment. I knew it was my dad and I knew it was alright to talk to him, but I was afraid. Dad had always been healthy and active. The man in the bed was pale and fragile looking.

  I let out a sigh and gave Sam a small, watery smile before turning toward the hospital bed. It was almost enough to trigger my water works once more but I shoved the tears down and, this time, I won. I sat down at the chair my mom had vacated beside the bed and reached out to hold my father’s hand in mine. His skin was unnaturally cold, and I rubbed the appendage between my hands, hoping the friction would warm him, “Hey Daddy. It’s me, Liliana. You scared us.”

  I sat there for hours, chatting aimlessly with my mother and Luca. Sometimes I just talked, telling my dad things. Sam had left after I had calmed down from the initial shock of seeing my father in his current condition but a part of me had wanted to ask him to stay. I didn’t obviously. That wasn’t fair to him. I was the one that had completely cut him off after things ended between us. I couldn’t just ignore our history just because I something big happened in my life and needed comfort. I had decided I wanted more out of life than what Sam was offering me, and I left. It was too little, too late and regretting things would only serve to make myself miserable. Not that I was in the wrong, I reminded myself. I had to move on, just like I did when I left Tennessee three years ago. He was the past and I had to focus on the future—especially now.

  Samuel Hernandez was a thing of the past. My head knew that. Now I just needed my stupid heart to get a clue.



  The sound of bones cracking filled the clearing as pain wracked my body--causing my limbs to contort awkwardly. The familiar ache continued its journey through every inch of my body as black fur began to rip its way through my skin. I landed on four paws and shook my head in an attempt to clear the fog that the pain caused in my brain. My wolf tore out of me faster than the rest of the pack—leaving me to watch as they shifted.

  Chelsea, third in the pack’s command, shifted nearly as quick as I did and came to rub against my side. Her russet fur mingled with mine as I let out a soft warning growl. I really wasn’t sure what it was going to take for her to understand that we were through. I stepped away and walked over to my father--our alpha. He stood in his human form and watched over the shift, fully dressed. Weird. My dad was a pretty hands-on alpha. He wasn’t the type to just send the rest of us off to hunt and stay at home all nice and cozy.

  “Alex. Katie. You two will lead the hunt,” My wolf and I were both confused at my father’s words. He always led the pack hunt and if he couldn’t, I did. As beta, second in command, taking the lead fell to me if my father was unavailable. I would have asked had I still been in my human form but being a wolf limited my communication skills.

  “Sam and Chelsea--stay,” he commanded after dismissing the pack to their task.
r />   My wolf was giant, about six feet tall, so I didn’t have to look up much as my furry head cocked to the side as I awaited whatever orders he was about to issue. Chelsea took his command as an opportunity to paste herself to my side and I snarled menacingly at her. She shifted away, just barely leaving an inch between us as my father began speaking.

  “A new pack has crossed into Knoxville,” he began. Angry growls tore from Chelsea and I, causing my father to pause. Territory was a big deal to wolves. Knoxville was ours and another pack encroaching on our area was an insult.

  My dad waved his hand, to silence us, and continued speaking, “We’re going to meet with their leaders and negotiate. Both alphas have to stay human--it’s part of the agreement.” He paused, anger flashing across his face as he spoke of containing his wolf in such a situation, “You need to be alert.”

  I nodded my head, my muscles tensing with anticipation as my father turned toward his pickup truck. I took an unnecessary running start, mostly to get some space between Chelsea and I, and leapt into the bed of the truck. I crouched low into one corner to make sure no human would spot me. I was way too large to be confused for any sort of dog. The female wolf jumped up and sat facing the other direction before the truck pulled away. It’d be easier to exit and flank our alpha that way.

  Chelsea never missed an opportunity to make me regret that she and I hooked up a few times after Lily had left, but I just couldn’t bring myself to care about her--no matter how much she forced herself into my day to day routine. I had given it a real chance before I swore off love. Mating with another wolf would have made everything so much easier but I couldn’t. My wolf had claimed Liliana Moretti when we were thirteen years old and he wasn’t changing his mind. Hell, I had claimed her too. She was ours. I had hoped that the feelings would fade with time--that I could let her go--but, the moment I saw her in the hospital, I knew that was never going to happen.

  My thoughts of Lily were interrupted as my father pulled up to what looked like an abandoned barn. The full moon hung above us, stars twinkling brightly in the rural area. Chelsea and I jumped out in unison, circling the truck. I paused beside the driver’s side door as my dad climbed out. She hesitated at the passenger side to make sure no one attacked that side of the vehicle, moving forward to protect my dad’s right side as he strode past the hood of the truck.

  I didn’t smell or hear any other wolves, but I remained wary as I tried to take in as many details as possible. The smell of manure wafted out from barn, making me cautious. They could have easily masked their scent. It wouldn’t be necessarily pleasant for them, but it was a possibility.

  I began to scan the tree line, trying to spot anyone who could be watching us, when my search was interrupted. The sound of three loud engines roared, breaking the eerie calm that surrounded us.

  Motorcycles raced toward the barn, tearing through the overgrown grass as they made their way towards us. They pulled to a stop 50 yards away. Three men who looked more like they belonged to a biker gang than to a pack of werewolves climbed off the bikes. The one in the middle, the alpha presumably, stood in front of his bike as the other two men began stripping off their clothes.

  It was a bold and insulting statement to all arrive in human form. I held in the growl that built in my chest as I watched the men shift. A burst of pride surged through me as I noticed that Chels and I both shifted faster. Once they were in their wolf forms, the alpha walked toward us.

  Instead of flanking their leader, the wolves walked behind him subserviently. Our pack was a family and we protected our own--especially our alpha. It spoke to not only the hubris of their alpha but also to the way he ran his pack. Just from the brief observation, I could tell he led his pack as a master instead of a guardian.

  “You must be Aiden,” the rival wolf said as he approached my father. His walk was a confident swagger that I instantly hated, “Jameson.”

  Dad kept silent as he stared at the interloper. Alpha or not, he wasn’t welcome on our land, “Why are you in Knoxville, Jameson? It belongs to our pack.”

  Jameson looked at my dad and laughed, “Not for long. I just came to see if you’d peacefully surrender. Personally, I’d rather take your claim, and your pack, by force, but you yielding is less messy.”

  Chelsea snarled and Jameson chuckled as if she were as intimidating as a kitten. I remained silent, pulling myself up to my full height. I looked at the other wolves, knowing I could take them. I was bigger than them and quick. My wolf spirit was savage, and I had no reservations about doing what had to be done either. I’d end them both here and now if I had to. I waited for my father’s command, but he just laughed instead, “You’re not the first pup to start his own pack and try to take my land or my people. I suggest you relocate but, if you don’t, we’ll make you wish you had.”

  Jameson chuckled and took a step back, “I can’t wait to make you regret those words, old man.” He turned and walked back to his bike, keeping his back to us the whole time. His wolves did the same, shifting back once they reached their transportation. They shifted and dressed as if they knew my father was going to let them leave unharmed--which, of course, he was. Dad was nothing if not honorable. He’d made a deal, no alphas would shift, and no one would be harmed at the meet, and he was going to stick to it.

  “Let’s go,” he said, his voice quiet but full of steel as he began to back up towards his truck. He climbed into the driver’s side and shut the door before Chelsea and I jumped back into our positions.

  When we arrived on our pack’s home base, we jumped out of the truck and shifted back before my dad had a chance to shut the car off. Pain permeated my body as I became humanoid, but I ignored it. I was too worried about the threat that was to come.

  “Did you see that? He turned his back on us like we were no fucking threat!” Chelsea began raging as soon as she was fully human. I didn’t answer as I opened the passenger door and grabbed the clothes my dad had brought for us. I tossed Chelsea hers before pulling on a pair of sweats, ignoring the need for a shirt. Wolves weren’t shy. We were comfortable in our skin and being naked around others, but there were a few packmates with human mates who weren’t used to nudity, so we tried to dress as soon as possible to make them feel more comfortable.

  If I, by some miracle, ever got permission to tell Lily about my world, to convince her to join us--I wouldn’t want a bunch of naked packmates walking around all the time so I tried to respect the others.

  “Now what?” Chelsea asked, breaking my line of thoughts. She was clearly unphased by my not acknowledging her. I turned to tell her to be patient and wait for Alpha’s orders but before I could, my dad spoke. His voice was as hard as steel as he said, “Now we prepare for war.”



  The next few days flew by. I had hoped, against all sound judgement, that I would see Sam again, but he had been absent since that first day which was probably for the best. I didn’t have the time nor inclination to allow myself to become wrapped up in him once again. At least, that was what I was telling myself.

  “Hey bitch! I’m outside,” Tessa exclaimed as soon as I answered my phone.

  I smiled, “Well come in then.”

  “I will if you honestly answer this next question,” she paused dramatically, “Are you ready for the million-dollar question, Liliana Moretti? Win this and...”

  I laughed and cut her off before she had a chance to really start laying it on thick, “What, Tess?”

  “Ugh. You suck the fun out of all my dramatics,” she huffed, “Fine. When was the last time you showered? Or left the hospital for that matter?”

  I opened my mouth to answer before pausing because, as gross as it was, I hadn’t showered since before my run three days prior. I had remained in the hospital since I arrived. My mom and Luca went home briefly but I wanted to stay.

  “That’s what I thought. Get your ass out here. I brought more clothes and Eleanor. We have to take her to your mom’s anyway. The hot
el has a strict no animal policy,” Tessa said. She paused before adding, “So I’m not exactly sure how the bitch that answered the phone got a job but...”

  I laughed at her canine joke, rolling my eyes. Tess was forced to be prim and proper at work, but she cursed like a sailor and terrible sense of humor under that catholic school teacher facade.

  “Fine. I’m on my way out,” I said, causing my mom to laugh at me. My dad was mostly awake. He was on pain medication so he was a bit loopy but not so much so that he couldn’t talk smack, “About time you leave. I’m sick of you and you stink.”

  I laughed again as I hung up the phone and leaned over to press a kiss to his forehead, “I liked you better unconscious.”


  The sassier he became the more comfortable I felt leaving. He was acting like his old self again--a fact I was grateful for. I grinned at him before saying goodbye to the rest of my family.

  Immediately upon exiting the hospital, I saw Tessa’s car parked almost completely diagonal in the ambulance loading zone. I could hear the heavy metal she was blaring all the way from the lobby’s exit and smirked. My best friend was definitely a conundrum.

  She lowered the music as I climbed into the passenger seat of her lime green hatchback and wrinkled her nose.

  “I swear to God if you say I smell bad, I will punch you.”

  “Well you do smell bad.”

  Not one to swear to a deity and not keep my word, I hauled off and slugged her in the arm.

  “Ouch. Asshole.”

  “You were warned.”

  “Geez, Lil. It’s nice to see you too. Sure am glad I drove all this way to be abused.”

  “You brought it on yourself. Now let’s roll.”

  She started to head to my parents’ house as she chuckled. Tess was originally from Chicago but had moved to Knoxville her senior year of high school. I had been a sophomore but we bonded over books and had been inseparable since. She practically lived at my house that year unless I had Sam over.